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Kitchen unpacked, laptop battery dead

News, Technical ·Wednesday April 24, 2013 @ 17:38 EDT (link)

It's been a difficult few days of maneuvering around boxes, since the big truck came Monday with the bulk of our things—the tall wardrobe boxes in particular—but it's great to have our bed rather than sleeping bags. We just finished unpacking most of the kitchen, and getting the boxes out of the way. Our kitchen passes through to the living room and hallway, which is convenient. There's plenty of storage here—we have a really long storage room next to the living room (first part is a coat closet, then it goes way back), and an outdoor storage room off the patio, and a pretty large garage.

Since we'd like to entertain visitors at various times, we're laying things out with more space than in Florida, where our living room was rather crammed up and looked it. We threw out a lot of unnecessary clutter in Florida, and some more here (I went through my collection of cables and computer cards—USB, power, Ethernet, etc., tossed out more than half, and organized the rest), and things we need to keep but that won't be useful here (e.g., the lawnmower, silver, garden tools, and even my desk) are packed away out of sight. The second bedroom is quite livable (in Washington I had a desk out in it and the bed was crammed in next to it), although it does have the piano in it, and the dining room, which connects to the living room, has a couple comfortable couches in it.

My laptop (HP Pavilion dm4) battery finally died. I knew it was failing, but wasn't sure if it would complain forever or give up the ghost. Fortunately, I had purchased another (HP MU06) in case of the latter, and was ready and it's ticking merrily along again.

Books finished: As the Crow Flies, The One Minute Manager, Fast Company's Greatest Hits.